Face Forensics  Image Recognition Suite
Advanced Face Recognition               Tattoo Recognition
Partial Face Recognition                     Scene & Object Recognition
Disaster Victim Identification               Human Trafficking

Human Trafficking  Victim Identification

Human trafficking happens across the globe and is one of the greatest scourges facing the world today. While many organizations are trying to prevent it, tools to make a real impact on it have been generally limited up to now.

Face Forensics’ background in developing technology to change this has been based on our work in tackling child sexual abuse, corpse identification, and full and partial face and tattoo recognition. This has given us the ability to provide the above organizations with the tools they need to really make an impact.

At the centre of it is the ability to identify images of victims in databases. Where they’ve been branded, for example with tattoos or other marks, shots taken of them can be captured as they’re taken across borders, are seen in known haunts, etc. A copy of SQL Server Express is included to enable the system to be set up with minimum delay.
“Tattoo recognition is a critical factor in identifying victims and setting them on a pathway to freedom and recovery”
Shelley F Rote, MD, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston TX

• Straightforward to map on to existing databases containing tattoos. It doesn’t store images itself unless set up to do so

• Links a matched image back to its associated name and details in the database

• Automatic enrollment of all images in a database. No limit to database size

• Import and automatic enrollment of images in a folder

• Automatic detection and enrollment of new images added to an external database

• Can search any database of enrolled images on a VPN under appropriate controls

• Corpse identification is included

• f2 is available as a stand-alone/networked application, as a .Net SDK, and as a web service. It runs under Windows 10/11, and connects to SQL Server databases

• f2 is downloadable for evaluation at no charge